You can never truly be prepared for an emergency situation, but at Midwest Service Group we stake our reputation on efficiency, safety and above all preparedness. We pride ourselves on responding promptly to any situation. From hazardous chemical spills to site cleanup after a tornado or flood, we have it covered.
A call to our office (636) 926-7800 puts you in contact with our experienced, professional emergency response team that serves the greater St. Louis area, our client’s needs are our main priority until the emergency has been resolved.
Chemical & Hazardous Material spill– A hazardous or chemical material spill can become a very serious health and safety risk if not handled quickly and efficiently. Our qualified emergency response staff has the training, equipment and experience to contain the spill, secure the premises and thoroughly clean the affected area.
Oil Spill– Clean up and recovery after an oil spill can be complex and requires specialized equipment and trained professionals. Its important to quickly contain and clean up an oil spill due to hazards involved not only to the humans, but also to the animal and plant life that surrounds it.
Natural Disasters– When a natural disaster hits, the results can be devastating. Many people think storm or flood clean up can be handled by the homeowner, but it can be more dangerous that they realize. At Midwest Service Group, we are available 24/7 to respond and help customers safely and effectively minimize damage and restore their homes.
COVID-19 Cleaning– MSG executes precise CDC cleaning protocols with EPA approved disinfectants to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Our teams are expertly trained and equipped with raspatory protection and employee safety measures in place, providing you with peace of mind as you keep your business open for the public.
Emergency Waste Disposal– If time is of the essence, rely on Midwest Service Group for your emergency waste disposal needs. Health and safety are priorities when it comes to removing dangerous waste from the home or business.
Standby Emergency Response– You cant predict when an accident will occur or disaster will strike, but rest assured with Midwest Service Group, your home or business is covered in case of emergency.
Midwest Service Group has been awarded over 100 term contracts with power plants and schools, backed by our reputation for quick and safe response to their facilities during our 30 plus years of service. If youre in need of a reliable emergency response team to act quickly and reliably, then contact Midwest Service Group. We will respond to any situation promptly and professionally.
Contact us for more information on emergency response.